Recent Invited Talks
12. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Probing the stochastic chemical dynamics in single, living cells’, University of Washington, USA (October, 2020).
11. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Imaging the competition between growth and production of self-assembled lipid droplets at the single-cell level’, SPIE Optical Metrology International Symposium, Munich, Germany (June, 2019).
10. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Single-Cell Metabolomics at the Speed of Light’, American Physical Society (NW Section), Tacoma WA, USA (May, 2019).
9. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘A Random Walk through Metabolism, as a Matter of Fat’, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University, USA (November, 2017).
8. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Single-Cell Methods and Applications in Metabolism’, Idaho INBRE Statewide Conference, Moscow (August, 2016).
7. A. E. Vasdekis, 'Unmasking the Impacts and Origins of Cell-to-Cell Bioprocessing Diversity at the Single-Cell Level', Department of Chemical Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman (January, 2016).
6. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Seeing Bioprocessing with New Eyes: Vesicle Photonics in Single Cell Analysis’, Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore (April, 2015).
5. J. W. Grate, R. T. Kelly, N. Anheier, J. Suter, T. Schmidt, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Oxygen Sensing Microfluidic Structures for Biomedical and Environmental Science Research', Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems, The Electrochemical Society, Chicago (March, 2015).
4. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Single Cell Optofluidics’ Biophotonics Symposium, IEEE Photonics Conference, San Diego (October, 2014).
3. A. E. Vasdekis, G. N. Stephanopoulos, ‘Single Cell Applications in Biopolymer Trafficking’, Biopolymers in-vivo, 58th Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco (January, 2014).
2. A. E. Vasdekis, ‘Soft Materials in Single Cell Biophysics’, Department of Physics, Washington State University at Pullman (January, 2013).
1. A. E. Vasdekis, J. G. Cuennet, D. Psaltis, ‘Liquid Crystals in Optofluidics’, SPIE Liquid Crystals XV, San Diego, USA (August, 2012).