Book Chapters
1. A. E. Vasdekis, G. Stephanopoulos, 'Single Cell Phenotypic Screening in Inverse Metabolic Engineering', in Microfluidic Methods for Molecular Biology Springer (2016).
50. Jinming Zhang, Mirsaeid Sarollahi, Shirley Luckhart, Maria J. Harrison, and Andreas E. Vasdekis, 'Quantitative Phase Imaging by Gradient Retardance Optical Microscopy', Scientific Reports 14, 9754 (2024).
49. Nava R. Subedi, Sergey Stolyar, Sabrina J. Tuson, Christopher J. Marx, and Andreas E. Vasdekis, 'Scattered-light-sheet microscopy with sub-cellular resolving power', Journal of Biophotonics e202300068 (2023).
48. Lochlann Dunn, Haokun Luo, Nava R. Subedi, Ramachandran Kasu, Armando G. McDonald, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Andreas E. Vasdekis, 'Video-rate Raman-based metabolic imaging by Airy light-sheet illumination and photon-sparse detection', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2210037120 (2023).
47. S. Nemati, A. Singh, S. D. Dhuey, A. McDonald, D. M. Weinreich, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Density fluctuations, homeostasis, and reproduction effects in bacteria', Communications Biology 5, 397 (2022).
46. G. Kukal, A. E. Vasdekis, A. G. McDonald, 'Raman-probes for monitoring metabolites and nutrient fate in Yarrowia lipolytica using deuterated glucose', Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 39, 102241 (2022).
45. T. Sanchez, N. R. Subedi, C. Thompson, L. Sheneman, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Photon-Sparse, Poisson Light-Sheet Microscopy', ACS Photonics 8, 2876 (2021).
44. N. R. Subedi, S. Yaraghi, P. S. Jung, G. Kukal, A. G. McDonald, D. N. Christodoulides, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Airy light-sheet Raman imaging', Optics Express, 29, 31941 (2021).
43. L. Sheneman, Gregory Stephanopoulos, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Deep Learning Classification of Lipid Droplets in Quantitative Phase Images', PLOS ONE 16, e0249196 (2021).
42. N. R. Subedi, P. S. Jung, E. L. Bredeweg, S. Nemati, S. E. Baker, D. N. Christodoulides, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Integrative quantitative-phase and airy light-sheet imaging', Scientific Reports 10, 20150 (2020).
41. A. E. Vasdekis, A. Singh, 'Microbial Metabolic Noise', Wiley Systems Biology and Medicine, doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1512 (2020).
40. A.E. Vasdekis, H. Alanazi, A. M. Silverman, C. J. Williams, A. J. Canul, J. B. Cliff, A. C. Dohnalkova, G. Stephanopoulos, 'Eliciting the impacts of cellular noise on metabolic trade-offs by quantitative mass imaging', Nature Communications 10, 848 (2019).
39. J. A. Lee, S. Riazi, S. Nemati, J. V. Bazurto, A. E. Vasdekis, B. J. Ridenhour, C. H. Remien, C. J. Marx, 'Microbial phenotypic heterogeneity in response to a metabolic toxin: Continuous, dynamically shifting distribution of formaldehyde tolerance in Methylobacterium extorquens populations', PLoS Genetics 15, e1008458 (2019).
38. S. V. N. T. Kuchibhatla, A. S. Karakoti, A. E. Vasdekis, C. F. Windish S. Seal, S. Thevuthasan, D. R. Baer, 'Influence of Particle size on the reactive transformation of ceria nanoparticles' Journal of Material Research 34, 465 (2018).
37. A. Guglielmelli, S. H Nemati, A. E. Vasdekis, L. De Sio, Stimuli responsive diffraction gratings in soft-composite materials' J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52, 053001 (2018).
36. S. H. Nemati, D. A. Liuy, A. J. Canul, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Solvent immersion imprint lithography: A High-Performance, Semi-Automated Protocol', Biomicrofluidics 11, 024111 (2017).
35. A. E. Vasdekis, A. M. Silverman, G. Stephanopoulos, 'Exploiting Bioprocessing Fluctuations to Elicit the Mechanisms of de-novo Lipogenesis in Yarrowia lipolytica', PLOS ONE 12, e0168889 (2017).
34. H. Alanazi, A. J. Canul, J. Quimby, A. Garman, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Robust Microbial Cell Segmentation by Optical-Phase Threhsolding with Minimal Processing Requirements', Cytometry 91, 443 (2017).
33. T. - M. Chang, S. S. Xantheas, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Mesoscale Polymer Dissolution Probed by Raman Spectroscopy and Molecular Simulations', Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120, 10581-10587 (2016).
32. D. A. Liuy, S. H. Nemati, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Solvent Assisted Prototyping of Microfluidics and Optofluidc Microsystems' Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54, 1681-1686 (2016).
31. D. Psaltis, A. E. Vasdekis, J.-W. Choi, 'The Optofluidics of Plants', APL Photonics 1, 020901 (2016).
30. A. E. Vasdekis, A. M. Silverman, G. Stephanopoulos, 'Origins of Cell-to-Cell Bioprocessing Diversity and Implications of the Extracellular Environment Revealed at the Single-Cell Level', Scientific Reports 5 , 17689 (2015).
29. J. S. Moore, S. S. Xantheas, J. W. Grate, T. W. Wietsma, E. Gratton, A. E. Vasdekis, 'Modular Polymer Biosensors by Solvent Immersion Imprint Lithography', Journal of Polymer Science Part B 54, 98-103 (2015).
28. A. E. Vasdekis, G. Stephanopoulos, 'A Review of Methods to Study Single Cell Metabolism and Bioenergetics', Metabolic Engineering 27, 115-135 (2015).
27. J. W. Grate, K.-F. Mo, Y. Shin, A. E. Vasdekis, M. G. Warner, R. T. Kelly, G. Orr, D. Hu, K. J. Dehoff, F. J. Brockman, M. J. Wilkins, 'Alexa Fluor-Labeled Fluorescent Cellulose Nanocrystals for Bioimaging Solid Cellulose in Spatially Structured Microenvironments', Bioconjugate Chemistry 26, 593-601 (2015).
26. A. E. Vasdekis, M. J. Wilkins, J. W. Grate, R. T. Kelly, A. E. Konopka, S. S. Xantheas, T.-M. Chang, 'Solvent Immersion Lithography' Lab on a Chip 14, 2072-2080 (2014).
25. A. E. Vasdekis, 'Single microbe trap and release in sub-microfluidics', RSC Advances 3, 6343 (2013).
Prior (postdoc - graduate student)
24. A. E. Vasdekis, E. A. Scott, S. Roke, J. A. Hubbell, D. Psaltis, 'Vesicle Photonics', Annual Reviews of Materials Research 43, 283-305 (2013).
23. J. G. Cuennet, A. E. Vasdekis, D. Psaltis, 'Optofluidic tunable color filters and spectroscopy based on liquid crystal microflows’, Lab on a Chip 13, 2721 (2013).
22. G. P. J. Laporte, D. B. Conkey, A. E. Vasdekis, R. Piestum, D. Psaltis, 'Double-helix enhanced axial localization in STED nanoscopy' Optics Express 21, 30984 (2013).
21. L. De Sio, G. Palermo, V. Caliqiuri, A. E. Vasdekis, A. Pane, J. - W. Choi, L. Muffi, M. Niklaus, H. R. Hsea, C. Umeton, 'Electro and pressure tunable cholesteric liquid crystal devices based on ion-implanted flexible substrates', J. Materials Chemistry C 1, 7798 (2013).
20. M. Romito, L. De Sio, A. E. Vasdekis, C. Umeton, 'Optofluidic microstructures containing liquid crystals', Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 576, 135 (2013).
19. A. E. Vasdekis, E. A. Scott, C. P. O’Neil, D. Psaltis, J. A. Hubbell, ‘Precise cytosolic delivery and cellular tracking based on optofluidic polymersome rupture’, ACS Nano 6, 7850 (2012).
18. W. Z. Song, A. E. Vasdekis, D. Psaltis, ‘Elastomer based optofluidic devices’, Lab-on-a-Chip 12, 3590 (2012).
17. L. De Sio, M. Romito, M. Giocondo, A. E. Vasdekis, A. De Luca, C. Umeton, ‘Electroswitchable polydimethilsiloxane based optofluidics’, Lab-on-a-Chip 12, 3760 (2012).
16. J. G. Cuennet, A. E. Vasdekis (1st equivalent author), L. De Sio, D. Psaltis, 'Optofluidic modulator based on peristaltic nematogen microflows', Nature Photonics 5, 235-235 (2011).
15. L. De Sio, A. E. Vasdekis, J. R. Cuennet, A. De Luca, A. Pane, D. Psaltis, ‘SiO deposition on PDMS gratings for enhanced optical switching’, Optics Express 19, 23532 (2011).
14. A. E. Vasdekis, G. P. J. Laporte 'Enhancing single molecule imaging in optofluidics and microfluidics', invited review, International Journal of Molecular Science 12, 5135-5156 (2011).
13. J. G. Cuennet, A. E. Vasdekis, L. De Sio, D. Psaltis, 'Light modulation enabled by liquid crystal microflows', Journal of Non-Linear Optics and Materials 20, 397-404 (2011).
12. A. E. Vasdekis, C. P. O'Neil, J. A. Hubbell, D. Psaltis, 'Microfluidic Assays for DNA Manipulation Based on a Block-copolymer Immobilization Strategy', Biomacromolecules 11, 827 (2010).
11. L. De Sio, J. G. Cuennet, A. E. Vasdekis, D. Psaltis, 'All Optical Switching in an Optofluidic PDMS-Liquid Crystal grating defined by cast-molding', Applied Physics Letters 96, 131112 (2010).
10. W.Z. Song, A. E. Vasdekis, Z. Li, D. Psaltis, 'Optofluidic evanescent dye laser based on a distributed feedback circular grating resonator', Applied Physics Letters 94, 161111 (2009).
9. W.Z. Song, A. E. Vasdekis, Z. Li, D. Psaltis, 'Low-order distributed optofluidic dye laser with reduced threshold', Applied Physics Letters 94, 051117 (2009).
8. D. Amarasinghe, A. Ruseckas, A.E. Vasdekis, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, 'High gain broadband solid state optical amplifier using a semiconducting polymer', Advanced Materials 20, 107-110 (2008).
7. D. Amarasinghe, A. Ruseckas, A.E. Vasdekis, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, 'Picosecond gain switching of an organic semiconductor optical amplifier', Applied Physics Letters 92, 083305 (2008).
6. A.E. Vasdekis, S. Moore, A. Ruseckas, T.F. Krauss, I.D.W. Samuel, G.A. Turnbull, ‘Silicon based organic semiconductor laser’, Applied Physics Letters 91, 051124 (2007).
5. D. Amarasinghe, A. Ruseckas, A.E. Vasdekis, M. Goossens, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, 'Amplification of optical pulse sequences at a high repetition rate in a polymer slab waveguide', Applied Physics Letters 91, 011105 (2007).
4. A.E. Vasdekis, G.E. Town, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, ‘Fluidic fibre dye lasers’, Optics Express 15, 3962 (2007).
3. A.E. Vasdekis, G. Tsiminis, J.-C. Ribierre, L.O. Faolain, T.F. Krauss, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, 'Diode pumped distributed Bragg reflector lasers based on a dye to polymer energy transfer blend', Optics Express 14, 9211 (2006).
2. D. Amarasinghe, A. Ruseckas, A.E. Vasdekis, M. Goossens, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, 'Broadband solid state optical amplifier based on a semiconducting polymer', Applied Physics Letters 89, 201119 (2006).
1. A.E. Vasdekis, G.A. Turnbull, I.D.W. Samuel, P. Andrew and W.L. Barnes ‘Low threshold edge emitting polymer distributed’, Applied Physics Letters 86, 161102 (2005).
1. A. E. Vasdekis, N. R. Subedi, S. Nemati, 'Integrated imaging assembly and method for using', US Patent 11,726,043, 2023/8/15.
2. A. E. Vasdekis, M. J. O'Hara, J. W. Grate, 'Device, System and Method of Making a Sensor', U.S. Patent No. 14/710,907 (2015).
3. A. E Vasdekis, J. G. Cuennet, D. Psaltis, 'Light Filter and Method for using such a filter’, International Patent No. WO2011IB54217 20110926 (2012).